Saturday, April 5, 2014


I have been sick for almost a week, not almost, I think more than a week since last Thursday. I was having trouble sleeping and was burning up every night. I even played badminton, so that I could sweat out. Unfortunately, I got worst. On Sunday, I dragged my feet and drove myself to the clinic, the doctor gave me medication which causes drowsiness, and it was not helping because I wasn't able to do anything but just to sleep the whole day. Day by day, my cough was getting worst, I lost my appetite to eat, and I wasn't able to concentrate on work and even my proposal (my supervisor is so unhappy). Last two days, while having lunch which my "brother" I heard a small "pop" in my right ear, which almost made me blackout, all I know is that all around me was spinning, I can't even stand. Once I regained my balance, I went to doctor, and was told that I have inflammation in my ear due to fever. Two doctors in a week.

Yesterday, I made a decision, to just go back home to Seremban. Yesterday and last night were the best two days of my week being sick. My mum cooked because she said that I looked like I haven't eaten for a while, and I heard the voice of my sister gossiping away in the middle of the night while I was almost dozed off on the sofa. Up to this morning I am still unwell, but home is where the heart is, and I can even feel that my ear is getting better as well as my morale. 

That was the best decision ever, because there is no place like home.